Tuesday, August 21, 2007

More Pics from Sudak

The first picture is of Matt shooting a medieval bow and arrow. We visited one of the oldest fortresses in the area and there happened to be a Medieval festival with axe throwing, arrow shooting, plays with pirates dressed up like Johnny Depp, and more.
The second is from the boat ride to the Dolphin Show.
Then we have our precious hosts. (The next to last picture is where we stayed).
The last picture is a classic example of the 'panicky' feeling everyone gets when they have to be somewhere and there's no idea of a line-structure. One lady was almost pushed into the water as she was trying to step off the dock onto the boat. no joke.


Karen said...

Glad you can get away, brings back old Eufaula memories of tubing and swatting misquitos! yikes! did Simba get to tag along? where is sudak? mom

Mills Family said...

so great to see you travel....love your big adventures.

Wish You Were Here said...

Great to hear about your travels. Can't see the last photos. Please resend when you get time. We would love to see Matt in an armoured suit.

Anonymous said...

I miss you guys! Kids are doing okay. So glad you're getting a break away from the city - you deserve it! love you, Beth - your Kansas buddy

Heidi McKee said...

For some reason blogger's not letting me see the pictures do I have no idea what you're talking about other than the details you posted :( bummer