Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cement In My Hair

Well, I had to show everyone that I actually went out to 'help' Matt the other day not knowing what to expect. All he said was, 'wear your worst clothes and shoes!' Okay.

Boy, did we have a great time! We waited a few hours for the cement truck (who was late) but he finally came! Then we were so excited, so Matt ran over to show him where to turn into our property and we all suddenly realized that the gas lines were just a tiny bit shorter then his truck. So, we told him to drive around the back, through the small back road. So, he did, but then stopped immediately, hopped out and told us there were too many limbs, trees and bushes in the way. So, Matt rushed over to the the neighbor's door to ask if we could saw off some of his tree limbs, etc. So, 30 minutes later, I'm dragging bushes and limbs over to the side while the cement truck is trying to manage to drive up to our property. Then we finally began to pour cement! Unfortunately, we ordered a bit too little and couldn't finish it all in one day. The three hour payment turned into 6 and a half hours of work with the cement driver helping us! So, the three of us, after running out of cement, decided to go out for lunch. Once we took our first bites of the soup, we looked outside to the pouring-down rain. :( But not to fear! Matt covered everything with plastic!

Needless to say, I learned alot about cement!


Mills Family said...

Your friend could teach us all a lot...take a little less credit for what we know and give a little more credit to the true so true...the Father is the Master!

Tammy said...

Oh, the video! Good point. You're so deep, my friend. That's why I love you!

Karen said...

wow, you all can add another job experience in your resume of life! teehee! Hey, Matt we have some cement work we need you to do when you are here on furlough!(just kidding!)

Heidi McKee said...

I'm impressed...

Wish You Were Here said...

I couldn't quite make out the guest bedroom in the pictures you sent. I hope your not going to forget it in your plans.

Looks great, and I can't wait to see it in person.