Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Perfect Autumn Day

Today was a like a page from a fairy-tale. The kids are on break from school and I had wanted to do something special before we head home for our home assignment. I asked Uriye to get the documents signed from the Director for Friday so we could take the kids out of the Orphanage and do something fun for the day. I hired a van and a driver, but he canceled on me when he found out I was wanting the van for orphans. Well, Friday came and the rain started to pour, the sky was black and the overall mood of the city was very depressing. I called to ask if they still wanted to meet up and they said that they only have the documents for one day, so we might as well. Uriye found a friend to drive us at the last minute and we took off.

Boy, am I sure glad we decided to go ahead and meet!
Sometimes I feel like God does special things just for me. Do you ever feel that way? As we sat in the big van together (all 15 of us) and started to drive toward the southern coast, I prayed to God, practically begging him to change the weather for these kids' sake. A few kilometers later, we passed over the hill into the mountainous region of Crimea and the sun started to peek out behind the clouds. Once we made it to our destination, the weather could not have been more beautiful!
And thanks to our fearless leader, Nina Alexandrovna, we got in for free at the Fairy-tale park (with over 100 fairy-tale figures carved out of wood) and the zoo (with over 500 animals!) We could see the Black sea below us and the mountains with low mysterious clouds above us. And sprinkled around everywhere were gold, red, brown, and orange leaves. It was like God was adding all the perfect details just for us to have a memorable day.
After the zoo, we headed down to the center of Yalta to sit by the sea to eat our lunch. This took some coercing, because the three teachers could not imagine sitting in front of Yalta's rich citizens and restaurants and eating our home-made lunches. You have to realize that they consider themselves to be the lowest of all the life-forms in their society. I was undeterred and instead of fighting with them over this 'absurd' thought of eating our lunches by the beach, I simply grabbed the bags and boxes and started handed them to the children and said, 'let's go!' Eventually, with much hesitation, the teachers followed me.
After lunch, we strolled back to the main square to eat some ice cream at the golden arches. I sat with the three ladies and the children sat by themselves. During the conversation one of the ladies looked at me and said, 'God give you health!' I said, it's my pleasure, this is a free country and these children should enjoy their freedom. She just shook her head and smiled with that, 'oh, you poor American girl, you don't understand our ways,' kinda smile.
I know they struggle with feeling like 'normal' citizens, but it's still hard for me to understand. Once, one of the care-takers told me that we make them feel like white people because we take time to have a relationship with them and take them places like normal people. I thought to myself, 'you ARE white people!'

God, I pray that these children do not accept the lie that they are less than who you say they are. Lord, give them confidence, bravery, and understanding that they are YOURS. And, Father, I pray for these teachers, that they can see their jobs as the important, significant, and special assignments that they are. And that they can accept that they are your creations, your Princesses. Give them overflowing love for these children and for your Son.

Thanks for a perfect day!


Karen said...

Yeah!!!! Can you hear me cheer you on girlfriend!!! I am your loudest cheerleader. It is a mind boggling truth, but God did choose us to be free in Him! Those sweet nuggets are surely getting thru to the orphans! See you soon! Your #1 Fan!

Heidi McKee said...

WOW, what amazing new outlook. ANd YES God did it just for you ;)!

Wish You Were Here said...

Neat story! I am very proud of you.

Karen said...

Wow wish that those little orphan kiddos could be exposed to what we all just received at Women of Faith! The theme this yr. was Amazing Freedom! Speakers, music, drama, and testimonies all beautifully illustrated the freedom we have in Christ Jesus,if we can dream big, God can "free" us to achieve as big as those dreams are!!!

Matt said...


I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs, and I'd like to request permission to use the photograph you have posted in this book. Please contact me at, and I'd be happy to give you more information about the project. Please paste a link to your blog in the subject field. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

