Rain, snow, sleet, or shine, the guys kept working. Above, Ruslan is working hard on finishing the garage roof. One day, the mud was so bad that Matt's already bad shoes became much worse and we decided to chunk them. All in all, we feel good about how we left the property and are excited to be home in the good ole USA.
Last night we watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition and were just dazzled at the positive attitudes and generosity of Americans. Of course we were also jolted back into the mindset of the culture when we watched as they tore down a perfectly good sized home to build a 5600 square foot home because there was to be 10 people. We were quickly reminded of which culture we are in. (In Ukraine, they could easily and comfortably fit 4-5 families in the first house!) We are also falling in love all over again with the orderliness and cleanliness and non potholed roads of our beloved country. Ahhhh, we've got it so good.
Anyways, just wanted to let everyone know that we made it home and have already eaten some very scrumptious Thanksgiving food! And tonight we're headed off to Red Lobster!
More to come. :)
Maybe Santa will read this blog and realize Matt needs some work shoes! teehee!
SOOO glad you're here on US soil. I can feel it :) Girl, I miss you so much
Red Lobster?!!!! Yum! Cheddar cheese, garlicy biscuits. Yum. Hey I actually found cheddar cheese here the other day. It was yellow and said in English CHEDDAR. It was awesome. I couldn't believe it! Talk to ya soon. Take it all in and ENJOY!
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