Sunday, November 4, 2007

Celebrating Life!

Last week my friend Ira and I threw a birthday party for three of the students in the Orphanage. It was sad to find out that these three had completely forgotten that their birthday's were coming up. In fact we asked all the kids again to tell us their birthdays; none of them could remember when or even how old they are. It's easier to not celebrate or think about it, because if you hope and nothing happens then you have to live through that pain. So, they just choose to forget. Well, we're not going to forget! This year at Zhenya, Tanya, and Vacya's party we chose to play a game called: Kind Words. Each child had to go around the room and say something nice about the birthday boys and girl. We thought we'd never get them to start. They just sat there for the longest time, staring at us. It's so prevalent how out of practice they are in the realm of encouragement. Well, painful as it was, we did manage to get every child to say something decent about each one. Then, I went to each child, and down on my knees looked them in the eyes and told them how special they were.
I told them that they were good and smart and that God had a purpose for them and that He loved them very much. They of course were fidgety and couldn't really look me in the eye, but I believe they heard me with all their heart. Here's to celebrating life!

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Jesus John 10:10


Heidi McKee said...

Oh Tammy, you made me cry AGAIN! What a blessing you are. I love you so much. And I like the new look on your blog. Who took the pic or you and Matt, it's AWESOME..>GOSH I miss you

Heidi McKee said...

Oh Tammy, you made me cry AGAIN! What a blessing you are. I love you so much. And I like the new look on your blog. Who took the pic or you and Matt, it's AWESOME..>GOSH I miss you

Heidi McKee said...

sorry, don't know why it went twice. Guess you needed to hear it!

Mills Family said...

full life in Christ is is best....I am so proud of all you are doing.

Karen said...

Wow, no matter how many times we hear we are special, we never tire of hearing it. How blessed the kiddos are to hear and see that they are loved by an angel named Tammy!

Karen said...

Wow, no matter how many times we hear we are special, we never tire of hearing it. How blessed the kiddos are to hear and see that they are loved by an angel named Tammy!

Wish You Were Here said...

I really like hearing about those kids. They have a very special place in my heart. I wish you could bring them all home with you. I'm very proud of you.