Friday, April 18, 2008

A Time for Life and A Time for Death...

My Mom always said that death comes in waves of three.  It's true.  
Yes, millions of people are born and die every day, but out of the circle of friends and loved ones closest to you it doesn't happen quite that often.  Although when it does, it seems to be a strong wave that washes over you- the wave of loss from that great ocean called sadness.

Three very dear sweet people have all passed away this same week that were a part of my life...
My precious Great Aunt Marie, who was my Grandpa's oldest sister, little Regan Faith Mills, and a local soldier in Missions here in Simferopol, Al King. (pictured above a few years back with his family).

Al's struggle to live started less than a year ago.  The battle with brain cancer was swift but also painful.  He was told in the winter that he would only have a few months to live.  But he continued to fight and even came back over here to do more ministry while he could.  We visited with him about 3 weeks ago to say goodbye.  His impact on the community here in Crimea for the good is a great testimony to his love and faithfulness to Christ.  I'm positive that the Lord and Al are discussing much about his kingdom impact and the spiritual state of Crimea.  Al's legacy and imprint carries on.

Regan's struggle with life and death began almost from her first breath.  One time Chantell and I were talking about the possibility that God asked who was willing to play the role of the suffering servant in the Mills family for God's greater purpose and many little children up in Heaven said no, but little Regan raised her hand gladly.  She served faithfully and fightingly all her days in her short life.  There will be a hole there forever that will never feel quite the same. Only Christ can fill it.  (read more about the Mills on their blog site)

Aunt Marie was a trooper.  She once told me that she remembers seeing the Indians on her way to the local store when she was a child.  She was the epitome of a farm wife down to the snapping of chicken's heads to the butchering of cows.  She survived her husband and son, and son in law in the last several years, just living and serving quietly before the Lord.  I remember how she would make the best breakfasts in all of western Oklahoma.   And after dinners she would lovingly be amused as my sister and I would perform some made up dance.  She also taught me that putting human hair around the outskirts of a garden would keep the bunny rabbits away.  She struggled quite a bit with growing old the last few years so I'm sure she's thrilled to be in Heaven with her Lord and family.

We are but a breath.
Maybe it's because I'm 30 and 30 year olds are supposed to be real reflective, but I keep thinking that our lives are sooooooo short!  Perhaps we have 70-80 years total if God so allows, otherwise any minute He can take us up to His side out of this place.  Oh, what a glorious day!  
I pray my few little days on this planet are pleasing to our Lord and reach as far and wide as a great net across the sea to pull in as many lost souls as I can for His aching heart's sake.
May we seize the day.


Beth said...

Hi Tammy, I just found your blog. I'm sorry to hear that you've had much sorrow this week. I can't imagine what the chapel will look like on Saturday. FYI: I have a blog if you want to check it out. I'm glad I'll be able to keep up with you guys through this. It was good to see you while you were in Lincoln.

Dan and Tammy said...

What a sweet posting. I am praying for you & please know that you have made an impact on lives around you even in your short 30 years. Thank you for being my wonderful friend and for loving my family the sweet way you do. :) I miss you my friend!--too bad a hug cannot be felt through a computer screen!

Karen said...

It is so sad to be separated in life from our loved ones, but the rewards of being in Heaven far outweigh! We cherish every moment we have, because it is a gift from God, keep looking up dear one! Keep your sweet joy! love you, mom.

Heidi McKee said...

tears are streaming. I just finished the Mills blog, then came to yours. What a precious entry. I can remember Aunt Marie's homemade noodles...and her biscuits. And I love that story of Regan being the one who wanted to be the suffering one for the Sake of the Kingdom. If I cry anymore, I'm going to dehydrate.