Sunday, August 26, 2007

Okay, for some reason, my last blog's photos did not appear. So, here they are, all out of order plus a few. Hope you can see them this time! Poland pics are coming soon too!


Wish You Were Here said...

I love the pictures. Keep sending them when you can.

Heidi McKee said...

Yea, looks like you got some of the SUNSHINE :) love you

Karen said...

Thanks, it looks like a great get-away place. It is interesting that whenever there is water, people are there?!

Mills Family said...

Glad you got some R and R.

Holden Photography said...

so i've been praying about a chance to come visit you guys and help out at the orphanages sometime during the next year, and then on sunday i read on the bulletin board outside of my office here at the church that after you guys come home around christmas time, you plan on taking a group of people back to help w/ some things. well COUNT ME IN!

Tammy said...

Great! You're in! :)