Well, we're off to Warsaw for a few days to renew our Ukrainian registrations and our bodies from a non-stop sprint from the last several months. I read a book about Poland once a long time ago, but I don't remember much. I feel so ignorant about the history and culture. Poland is surrounded by several countries and is only a 2 hour flight from the capital of Ukraine (Kiev). In America we know tons about our surrounding states, if nothing else we hear about what's going on in the news. But, I'm sad to say that this quick trip is reminding me of how little I know about the history and current life of most Euopean Countries. When I catch up and after we take a few photos from our trip, I'll share the highlights with you all. :)
P.S. The images are just from various websites. The picture is of the Old City, in dowtown Warsaw where several buildings remain in tact. We hope to stay near this area. More later!
Have fun, can't wait to hear of our travels once again!
hopefully you can see some Jewish culture there. Alot of old Yukon families came from our "Sister" city in Poland, when they migrated to US. You are much blessed to have the time and energy to be able to go! Must be from that "Klein" adventuresome spirit!
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