Monday, September 3, 2007

First Bell!

September 1st is the first day of school over here in Ukraine, so we went to share the experience with the kids up at the Orphanage. After the ceremony and the traditional 'ringing of the bell' the kids changed out of their school uniforms and into their tye-dye shirts that we made with them a few weeks ago. We had a great time loving on the kids and playing with them. I succeeded (very rare) in making several sugar cookies into shapes of butterflies, shooting stars, & hearts. We also brought them flowers and then played outside with the other kids at the school for aobut an hour. They are now in 3rd grade! Please pray that they all do well in their studies this year.


Karen said...

The tie dye shirts are great! They look so proud to be wearing them, and ready for "1st bell" You are certainly making a difference in these kiddos' lives!
They will all remember Miss Tamera!Mom

Heidi McKee said...

wow....just WOW. How many jewels in your crown you will have.

Wish You Were Here said...

The kids are all growing up. But, they will remember the sugar cookies, tee shirts and the play time with you for the rest of their lives.