Monday, November 19, 2007

Leaving Today!

It's been a crazy week. Probably one of the busiest weeks of our lives. Mainly because Matt's been working long hours out at the property and when he comes home he's been working on other things until around 1:00am. I've been running all those last minute errands and trying to visit everyone one last time before we leave. And at night, it seems like we've had something major every night of the week to work around. English Club, Dinner with a family in Marinah, Samantha's going away party, a Wedding, Coffee House at church, etc. etc. it's been a circus!
Today I'm trying to get the house cleaned up for those who will be living here while we're gone and Matt is actually still working out at the property! We leave at 7pm and he'll probably be there until 2pm. :)
But with all the chaos, we can't wait to go home and see our families and friends, and everyone! And, we can't wait to eat all that yummy food for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years!

I guess this blog is just to share the joys of having something to look forward to. We look back and realize that this week were supposed to be hurricanes and snow and God gave us sunshine and relatively warm weather. We see how with all the running around, God gave us many chances to talk about our faith and see almost everyone that we care about here to say goodbye to. Praise God with us for his sweet goodness and his design of family, friends and relationships: for these give us 'something to look forward to!'


Betty, Bounce & Bunkey said...

is that mean you will be tx home, let me know when near 635 so i can visit with you and matt and possibly heidi and the children. i cannot wait to see you. welcome back to old usa dear friends ...betty

Karen said...

we are on our knees dear one, praying for travel mercies!continue to blog if you can get on-line during traveling....we all are waiting for news of your safe arrival. love you, mom

Karen said... is a huge blessing to just know you are on American soil again! yeah!!! Happy travels my dear, be like a sponge and soak up all that love & encouragement! God is Good!

Heidi McKee said...

You are so insightful and faithful to hear what God is saying, even in the midst of "circusness"