Saturday, April 19, 2008

Yeah for Vacya!

I just love this picture.  I wanted to share the happy news, since the last post was so sad.  Vacya's getting adopted!  His potential parents are here from the states now and will be staying with us from May 5-19th or so depending on the court dates.  We could not be more pleased and excited about this turn of events in Vacya's little life.  As you may recall, Vacya has been penned the 'worst of all' in the class since we've known him.  He always gets in trouble for no reason and all the kids curse him and hit him, but he constantly rises up under the hatred with a beaming smile.
Usually, when the class is tired of Vacya they pretend and tell him that he has guests upstairs in the classroom.  With excitement and fake flattery, one of the boys (usually Dima) escorts him up the stairs and into the classroom, only to lock him up there so he won't bother the rest of them.  He takes this abuse in stride because he knows no other way.  
Well, one day two weeks ago, Vacya was told that he had guests upstairs waiting for him in the classroom.  Of course he assumed he was to be locked up again.  Consider for a moment the shock when he opened the door to find a young American couple, the Director, and Shelby sitting there waiting for him.  The first words the Director says is, 'Vacya, would you like these two fine people to be your parents?'  Vacya said yes a thousand times over and the couple has come to visit him every day since.  
You should know that out of all the kids, Vacya talks of Jesus more.  He always wants to hear stories about Jesus.  I believe that he asked Jesus for a Mommy and Daddy and had so much faith that God heard his little prayer.  
Needless to say, the rest of the class is in shock.  They keep telling him that it's a mistake and won't 'Really' happen.  
But God is good.  It will happen.
Check out the Wager's adoption blog:


Dan and Tammy said...

what an awesome victory for Vacya! i will pray for his transition and for the other kids in the orphanage!

Karen said...

Oh this reaffirms that God uses the "least of these" to accomplish His greatest achievements! May God bless that unselfish Mom & Dad for being so bold to take little Vacya and raise him in the love & blessings of the Lord!

Heidi McKee said...

Yea! What joy!

shell said...

Hey Tammy! I was thinking about you the other day and found your CBW registration. I had forgotten that you had a blog. I'm excited to see/hear how you're doing. We are wel here in Irving. So next time you're in Dallas, please let us know (we're only 10 minutes from the airport). I'd love to see you again.