It says in 2 Samuel 12:25, "The LORD loved him, he sent word through Nathan the prophet to name him Jedidiah." (Jedidiah means, 'loved by the LORD').
God loved Solomon so much he wanted to rename him Jedidiah. He loved David and promised David an eternal kingship through his lineage. So his son Solomon, who became King, also received the same love. (Even though Solomon abused it)...
Anyways, I just think it's cool how God renames people. Saul to Paul, Abram to Abraham, etc. He wants us to live up to our names. He gives us the name and purpose HE says we will live up to! So cool..
Sometimes I wander what name God would give me? The name I wear is 'Christian.' But, besides that, what would He call me? 'She tries,' 'Forgiven,' 'The one who waits.'
My parents gave me the name Tamera, which comes from the Hebrew name, Tamar meaning 'Palm branch.'
I think of it like I'm a tool in God's hand waving an offering of praise to Jesus the King like on Palm Sunday. If only I would be light and moldable in the hands of my God like a palm leaf.
Well, this last month, my sister came to visit with her son (appropriately named, Isaac, which means 'laughter'). We had a blast. It was way too fast though. Those times come and go so quickly and I try so hard to etch each moment into my memory.
I feel so blessed to have a family that already loves the Lord and who is 'loved by the LORD.' I know that even though on this earth we may not get to see each other often, we will have eternity in Heaven to laugh and play.
If I could, I would rename my sister, 'Luvbatam' which means 'loved by Tammy'! :)
Love you sis.
that was sweet. it made be cry a little. :) also thanks for the vivid picture of how our name came be something special. i always thought that it was a little silly for a meaning, but now i have different insight! thanks for that. i will spend today waving that branch at the KING. I needed a reminder like that.
love your thoughts!
you have become a great author my sweet girl! thanks for the thoughtful comments on our names. God must look down and see something far different then what we see in ourselves! Thank you Lord! We see limits, He sees possiblities! We see failures, He sees success! We see roadblocks, He sees us with great pportunities to grow in HIM! And you, have taken great pains to seriously accomplish much for HIM! For that we are so greatful to HIM, for bringing you into that part of the world, just like Esther! FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! YOU GO GIRL!
so stinking talented! I love that name! Can I name you "Missedsomuchbyherbestfriendwhoadoresherwithherwholeheart" Grinn?
I love you sister and agree, you are an arm of God, a might arm in His kingdom!
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